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Starting service after the login screen is loaded

Izhar Firdaus Izhar Firdaus Follow Support Dec 19, 2006 · 1 min read
Starting service after the login screen is loaded
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
GDM early login have been mising from Fedora for quite a while now .. I kindof missed it because it makes Fedora "appears" booting up faster ..

Being impatient, (and bored), an idea came out to my mind to do a script that might give similar function to GDM early login .. but with a little bit twist -> instead of we make the GDM start earlier, why dont we make the services start later? ... and so, postinit script was born ... Its juz a simple shell script that allow users to define what services they want to start later after GDM is loaded ..

These are the script , I packaged it for Fedora Core 6, other distros may use it , but it might require some tweaking in the code.


postinit add [servicename]
- This adds a service into the postinit list
postinit del [servicename]
- This removes a service from the postinit list
postinit list
- This shows what services is set to be run using postinit

Note: postinit doesnt remove a service from the chkconfig, you'll need to remove it yourself using chkconfig or system-config-services.

configuration -> /etc/postinit.conf ... its just the entry for the sleep duration before starting the services and the entry to deny any services from being started using postinit.
Written by Izhar Firdaus Follow Support
I'm a system architect, data engineer and developer advocate with passion in Free / Open Source software, entrepreneurship, community building, education and martial art. I take enjoyment in bridging and bringing together different FOSS technologies to help businesses and organizations utilize IT infrastructure to aid and optimize their business and organizational process.

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