First its Aya Hirano secret visit to Malaysia. Now, its Chihara Minori turn!. She's coming here officially at DaiCon2009!!!.

I just bought the AWSM ticket (there goes part of my budget for T400) for her mini concert in DaiCon which entitled me for:
- Specially numbered AWSM seating for Chihara Minori’s Q&A Panel on Saturday and Mini-Concert on Sunday
- Entitlement to ONE Autograph Pass for Chihara Minori’s Autograph Session on Saturday.
ワクワク〜ワクワク〜. Can't wait for 12th July. Wanna see Minorin~!!!.
I never imagined celebrities from that part of the world coming to Malaysia, but hey, its happened!!. Japan Animation is here to stay ^o^.