Entering the hall, DaiCon looks very much like Comic Fiesta, lots of cosplayers around, several booths selling merchandise and figurines, etc. But one difference, the other half of the hall, was the area where the real event, Chihara Minori's Live in Malaysia, took place.
I bought AWSM ticket for DaiCon more than 1 month ago, so I got access to the Q&A session, the concert and entitled for 1 autograph from Minorin !.

Around 3pm, the Q&A session with Minorin starts, the fans went cheering on her arrival!
And everyone went crazy!!!
The session was done in Japanese, and that was one of the few times where my self-learned Japanese language skill comes in pretty handy. Relying to translators on live event is not quite a good idea :P.
We are only allowed to take pics from our seat, which end me up in a situation struggling to get a stable picture (which, erm, generally a failure on full zoom - the camera I was using was an old cam without any automatic balance adjustments).
NKDS posted a summary on the Q&A questions here
The Q&A session ended with Minorin shouted : マレーシャ最高だ!このばかやろう!!!!. (signature phrase from Chiaki in Minami-Ke)
The next day, was the concert day. みんなは盛り上がったです。Lights turned off, and us AWSM ticket holders each got an event flag brought by Minorin's volunteer supporter group. They come all the way from Japan for the event to support Minorin. Besides the flag, theres light sticks!!.
Event started and everyone started cheering for Minorin waving flags and light sticks. Minorin sang 11 songs + 3 more after fans cheered エンコレ!エンコレ!エンコレ!!!. Everyone waves light sticks following the rhythm and sing along throughout the concert, みんなとても盛り上がった。とてもとても楽しいでした。
NKDS posted the list of songs she sang during the concert
No pics coverage for the concert as its forbidden to do so. I believe there will be an official DVD released for it, so, I'll wait for that :D.
After the end of concert, Minorin said that she really loved Malaysia, this is the first time she came here and she never expected such high response from people here. She also mentioned she was surprised that people in Malaysia can understand Japanese well, and she are very touched with the warm welcome from Malaysian and lots of smiles around. She also mentioned she was glad being a seiyuu and taken the role of Nagato Yuki, as through Yuki, she have fans from all over the world, especially Malaysia. Again, she wraps out the whole event with : マレーシャ最高だ, このばかやろう!!!。
Minorin also blogged about her experience on her blog:
Minorin in Malaysia - Day 1
Minorin in Malaysia - Day 2
Minorin in Malaysia - Day 3

It was a very exciting event and I am really glad I went for that AWSM ticket. It was a rare chance to get one of my most favourite seiyuu live and the AWSM ticket was worth it. とてもとて盛り上がった。
Looking forward for more Seiyuu coming to Malaysia for performance, ... or .. probably I'll figure out how to just go to Japan for the events. :P