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Plone on OpenShift quickstart using the DIY cartridge

Izhar Firdaus Izhar Firdaus Follow Support Jul 24, 2012 · 1 min read
Plone on OpenShift quickstart using the DIY cartridge
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

TLDR; Plone is now deployable easily on openshift.redhat.com . Check out the repository here: https://github.com/kagesenshi/plone-openshift-quickstart.

Plone on openshift.redhat.com

Yesterday I posted about  deploying Plone using a cartridge in your own private OpenShift Origin VM.

Afterwards that day, I had some chat in the #openshift IRC channel and was informed that it is OK to run buildout in openshift.redhat.com, and last night, I converted the scripts and config from the cartridge so that it fits in the workflow of the DIY cartridge.

  • Deploys Plone 4.2 with Dexterity content types easily and quickly on openshift.redhat.com
  • Downloads are cached in ${OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR}/${OPENDIR_APP_UUID}-cache. However, as this is not shared, it means all new apps will have to redownload the python eggs. While it might be possible to use a shared download cache for this  (OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR is apparently /tmp), I am not sure whether the SELinux settings in the server allows it or not.
  • Virtualenv and generated eggs are stored in OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR. Technically though, they are not exactly data. However, as we need them to be persistent, and the DIY cartridge does not provide a folder to store persistent, non-data, automatically generated files, they had to be stored there.
  • The quickstart template is quite generic for any buildout-based deployment. So, technically, you can add support for Grok, BlueBream and any framework that can be deployed using buildout using this template as its base. I'm planning to create a quickstart template for deploying Grok either tonight or later this week.  Will post about it.
Written by Izhar Firdaus Follow Support
I'm a system architect, data engineer and developer advocate with passion in Free / Open Source software, entrepreneurship, community building, education and martial art. I take enjoyment in bridging and bringing together different FOSS technologies to help businesses and organizations utilize IT infrastructure to aid and optimize their business and organizational process.

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