The story is about a boy, Renton Thurston, who lives with his grandfather Axel Thurston in a city called Bellforest, until one day, a mecha , piloted by a mysterious girl, crashed onto his house. Starting from that day, his life changed and he set on an adventure with the girl, Eureka and a group of ex-military renegades The GekkoState. The story revolves around his relationship with Eureka , the conflict between the GekkoState and the Federation , and the mystery of the Coralians.
The storyline have plenty of high-flying mecha battles, confusing yet interesting scifi element, heart-touching conflicts, and love theme. After you finished watching the last episode, you'll end up having a very mixed emotions. The last time I felt like this was after the end of Sailormoon Season 1 (which I watched less than a year ago, considering that I'm into anime just recently, other sailormoon seasons is not as good as season 1), FateStayNight, and ShakuganNoShana (yup, 3 times in less than 6 months. I was marathoning animes which i've just downloaded).It makes depressed(because it ended)+happy(the ending is so happy)+craving for more. And now i'm in a state of withdrawal because of that. I just downloaded a different anime but I simply couldn't watch it. I WANT MORE EUREKA7!!
I noticed that this anime is not quite widespread in Malaysia. Anime lovers in Malaysia who havent watched this. Get it while there are still people seeding it. A good anime like this comes once in a blue moon and I really recommended everyone who loves anime to watch it or you'll regret it.
I'm not really good in writing reviews about TVseries of movie so I leave you all with the wikipedia entry of the anime. I need to find a way to get out of this withdrawal syndrom. - Warning! A lot of Spoilers
Don't beg for it,
Go for it,
Do that and you'll get it.