Everything : http://mirror.oscc.org.my/fedora/releases/9/Everything/$basearch
Updates : http://mirror.oscc.org.my/fedora/updates/9/$basearch/
However, sadly, its only a 8Mbps mirror - rather surprising for a government-supported organization. I've asked whether they want to be in mirrors.fedoraproject.org automated by-nearest-country mirrorlist reply so that the mirror can get a one nice DDoS, not sure whether they'll take that idea or not.
Update: Haris said, he want to proceed. I hope it goes well. Yet, I don't want MirrorManager to reply list with only that OSCC mirror. Coz with 8Mbps, I doubt it can really handle it >.< . Hopefully, that once they get themselves in mirrors.fedoraproject.org , that can be a big enough traction to push their higher ups for bigger bandwidth. I hate to admit this: only 8Mbps from a country like Malaysia, is quite embarrassing.