Furthermore, a minimal directory tree with just what needed to generate a buildout is more desirable as its easier to move around across distros and system and store in VCS rather than a big directory with files that hardcodes to system-specific paths generated from paster.
So, this little guide will go through how to create plone buildout without using paster.
* install compat-python24-{setuptools,devel,imaging,elementtree} from rpmfusion
easy_install-2.4 zc.buildout
Creating the Buildout
Take the sample baseline config from the end of this post. Strip it down or add more stuff to it as you wish and put it in an empty folder. In this case, lets take for example ~/Devel/mybuildout/. So, the file would be ~/Devel/mybuildout/buildout.cfg
Next, create some base directory tree.
cd ~/Devel/mybuildout/
mkdir products src
Finally, init, and run the buildout
buildout init
./bin/buildout -vvvvv
Done. You are good to go. Start zope by
./bin/instance start
and if you are following the config below, zope will be listening at http://localhost:8080 and the manager username is admin
with password is zopeadmin
Sample buildout.cfg (modified from the one generated by paster)
# buildout.cfg
parts =
# Add additional egg download sources here. dist.plone.org contains archives
# of Plone packages.
find-links =
# Add additional eggs here
# elementtree is required by Plone
eggs =
# Reference any eggs you are developing here, one per line
# e.g.: develop = src/my.package
develop =
recipe = plone.recipe.plone>=3.1.7,<3.2dev
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2install
url = ${plone:zope2-url}
# Use this section to download additional old-style products.
# List any number of URLs for product tarballs under URLs (separate
# with whitespace, or break over several lines, with subsequent lines
# indented). If any archives contain several products inside a top-level
# directory, list the archive file name (i.e. the last part of the URL,
# normally with a .tar.gz suffix or similar) under 'nested-packages'.
# If any archives extract to a product directory with a version suffix, list
# the archive name under 'version-suffix-packages'.
recipe = plone.recipe.distros
urls =
nested-packages =
version-suffix-packages =
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
user = root:root
http-address = 8080
#debug-mode = on
#verbose-security = on
# If you want Zope to know about any additional eggs, list them here.
# This should include any development eggs you listed in develop-eggs above,
# e.g. eggs = ${buildout:eggs} ${plone:eggs} my.package
eggs =
# If you want to register ZCML slugs for any packages, list them here.
# e.g. zcml = my.package my.other.package
zcml =
products =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ${instance:eggs}
interpreter = zopepy
extra-paths = ${zope2:location}/lib/python
scripts = zopepy