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OSCC Mirror

So, at last the Open Source Competency Center, Cyberjaya _finally_ have mirrors running. Theres Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, ArchLinux mirrored. For the Fedora Mirror (only F9), he...

In old blog, Jun 23, 2008

OneClickInstall for Yum

Spent the whole day today learning Python ElementTree. And the product, a yum plugin for parsing OpenSuSE's One Click Install metadata, though, its still quite incomplete.I've always ...

In old blog, Jun 22, 2008

Barcamp Malaysia

Lets help some promotion :P. (Though I'm still not sure whether I can attend or not)What’s the story?This July 26th, the Malaysian scene will EXPLODE into a orgy of mass-sharing...

In old blog, Jun 21, 2008

Tadaima!!!. ( I'm Back!! )

So, i've been away from blogging for about 3 months now .. Reason? .. simply lazy and lack of motivation to blog .. haha .. Anyway, I'm back :) Btw, I got myself this a few weeks ago!...

In old blog, Jun 21, 2008

Dag Wieers view on Mark's pledge for synchronized release

Read it here: Mark's article is wishful thinking and hoping to ride the wave that Red Hat (and Novell) are funding. If he can...

In old blog, May 18, 2008

Graphical memory usage map using gmemusage

I am a heavy multitasker. I run a lots of apps at once.. sometimes to the point where this dual screen 22" + 14" setup still feels like I need more screen. However, screen space is no...

In old blog, May 18, 2008

Fedora LiveUSB creation on Windows platform

A great article about Luke Macken's LiveUSB-Creator on Lifehacker: source? :

In old blog, May 17, 2008

When Ubuntu tries to be Fedora

They struggled trying to keep the betas in control. Inclusion of too new , latest technologies caused breakage and other problems to Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron.Harald Hoyer wrote a good ...

In old blog, May 17, 2008

Stickers ~

Thanks Nicu Buculei for the great Fedora Sticker KitTo MyOSS'ers, I just printed the stickers for giveaway. 23 in total.I'll bring them along on the next MyOSS Meetup (whenever that w...

In old blog, May 17, 2008

Instant noodles + Miso + some stuff from freezer = yum3

Something off-topic once a while.Went experimenting with the microwave oven just now, wondering if I can make something more tasty than a plain instant noodle. Went through the freeze...

In old blog, May 17, 2008