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GNU/Linux World Domination for the Wrong Reasons the same way, you only have to glance at the user forums of major distributions like Fedora or Ubuntu to see that more user...

In old blog, Mar 12, 2008

And the results are ....

Malaysian Election 2008 result is out.Barisan National got their ass seriously kicked!!. They won simple majority at Parliament, and loses a bunch of states. DAP leading bigtime with ...

In old blog, Mar 09, 2008

A bunch of CeBIT exhibitors busted for MP3 patent infringement

Something I saw at Fedora Planet from Jeremy Katz's post Who says the mp3 patents aren't enforced?CeBIT crackdown: 51 exhibitors busted for patent infringementThe word is that 51 diff...

In old blog, Mar 07, 2008

Qemu slow disk throughput

I am doing some development for a UN community site, using Zope/Plone. I uses Qemu for hosting the guest OS for my development environment.For 2 days, I keep wondering why Zope/Plone ...

In old blog, Mar 07, 2008

Malaysian Election 2008

Seems like its getting near, and people from both Barisan National (BN) and Opposition parties started doing their usual crazy stuff. Both sides with their promises. Both sides with t...

In old blog, Mar 06, 2008

To: Anonymous Coward Who Don't Understand What My Motivation of Reviving UTPchat

Seems like theres one anonymous coward (or maybe the rector himself hide this student's identity), responding at rector's note at UTP ELearning. Dear Datuk Dr. Zainal, I would truly s...

In old blog, Mar 06, 2008

Re: An Open Letter for the Rector of PETRONAS University of Technology

The long awaited reply from the rector have arrived!!. Its accessible from UTP ELearning Moodle Site. =========================================Thanks for the reply Rector, -------- 5t...

In old blog, Mar 05, 2008

Fedora T-Shirt

A comrade of mine, ShahrimanSamsudin (Yondie), just signed the Fedora CLA and registered himself as the 4th Malaysian Fedora Ambassador. A big welcome for him. I hope this will encour...

In old blog, Mar 03, 2008

Keep Fedora "less-moving" using yum-security plugin

Fedora updates repository moves very fast. A few months after the release of F8, hundreds of MBs of packages have been updated. Some people, especially those who came from the less-mo...

In old blog, Mar 02, 2008

Changing the default Display Manager

I little discovery I found out a few days ago through /etc/X11/prefdm, but forgot to blog it. The default display manager in Fedora GNOME is GDM. But sometimes, you might want to swit...

In old blog, Feb 29, 2008